Print Hub uses offset printing in executing services based on the basic idea of lithography, which is that oily printing inks and water repel each other. Offset printing is called planographic printing because the areas that are printed and the areas that are not printed are at the same height. Talented professionals and proper management control our offset unit.

In our offset printing unit, the plate cylinder is the first cylinder used. A plastic or aluminium plate is wrapped around this thin cylinder. Each plate is made to fit the text and pictures that will be put on the paper. The images on the plate cylinder have already been treated, so ink sticks to them and water don't. When the plate cylinder turns, it will touch rollers that put ink and water on it. The offset blanket is the name of the second cylinder. This cylinder has a rubber cover and turns opposite to the plate cylinder. When the two cylinders roll against each other, they squeeze out the water and move the ink to the rubber blanket. This makes the ink design look like a mirror image. In the offset lithography process, the third cylinder is the impression cylinder. It is made of clean steel and turns the other way from the blanket cylinder. The ink is transferred by the impression cylinder when the paper is pressed against the rubber blanket.

Offset Printing Company New Delhi
Offset Printing Company Delhi
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Offset Printing Company near Gurugram
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
Offset Printing Company
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